After a long day at work, the adjectives usually used in describing the day is often; stressful, boring, tiring or even hollow. Work is seen by many as what they MUST DO, rather than what they enjoy doing. What many employers are unaware of, or somewhat unconscious of is how having happier employees translates to better results. Of course, many are aware of the importance of making their employees happy but are unable to do it.


Tips to make your business a great place

Follow the following tips to make your business the favorite of every employee;

Provide the Right Tools

There’s nothing as discouraging as not having the right tools to carry out the task. No employee wants to spend a long time carrying out a job that could have been carried out for a lesser time due to a lack of working tools. Help your employees focus on what’s important with the right tools. For example, you can help your finance department with free bookkeeping software to handle some cumbersome aspects of their task. Using cloud accounting software will make them focus on what’s important.

Encourage Team Building and Leadership

Working in groups makes a workplace more lively and exciting. It avails everyone an opportunity to participate in the outlined task while not being left behind. You can even employ tools like myPlan to coordinate projects for your employees. This will give everyone a say and this will help breed leadership skills in your employees. It’s more like giving them a stake in the company’s success and failure, making them feel they are part of it.

Cater For their Security and Well-Being

It’s not enough to hand them accounting software for small businesses, you need to make your workplace calm, peaceful, and soothing. No one will want to work in the midst of restiveness, to ensure the workplace is safe and secure. If possible, there should be a provision for insurance policies to cover work-related injuries. Depending on the size of your firm, there should be a first aid box or a medical team on standby. No one should be made to work under pressure or duress.

Offer Recreational and Fitness Space

Your employees will perform at their best when they don’t have to work from 9 to 5. In between working hours, 30 minutes of break to calm down should be encouraged and enforced. It should be a matter of compulsion for every employee to spend not less than 1 hour every week keeping fit. A physically fit employee will have a sound mind to deliver at their best.

Give Employees Reasons to Wake Up Every Morning

There’s a difference between earning living and impacting life. Let your employees know you are more interested in making profits as much as adding value to lives. This will give them a sense of fulfillment to wake up in the morning motivated to do their best. Everyone wants to work in an environment where they feel they are blessing to humanity.


With all these implemented, your employees would rather want to be at work than anywhere else. It’s part of the motivational strategy employed by successful companies today.