
It’s entirely possible and somewhat common to have a great business idea and no funds. It’s also possible to have your business up and running and lack funds to keep it that way. Anyone can get strapped for cash and any business can too. Aside from that, no one hates some extra money. If you want to get some extra funding for your small business, you might want to look at our lists of sites that can come to your aid and very quickly too.


Small business/entrepreneurial loans help you manage your new equipment cost, payroll, or anything to grow your business. Choosing the best small business/entrepreneurial investment portal site is considered one of the big tasks. Research more websites before you make a decision. Small Business loans can help in the most critical stages. We made research and presented you, the top 10 investment sites for your small business.


Ways to get funding for your small business

There are a lot of ways to get funding for your business which include bootstrapping, asking from friends and family, taking loans, seeking external funding like venture capitalists in very dire cases, grants, and so on.


All of the websites that come within our top ten suggestions funding sites fall into one or more of these categories.


Top ten small business investment sites


Here we did some research for your small business investment sites. Here is our very concise list of where you can quickly get funding for your small business on the Internet; although these places have physical locations of course.

  1. Accion

Accion Opportunity Fund is a hub for entrepreneurs that aims to increase access to capital for individuals who have been underrepresented in the financial world. Accion is a nonprofitable organization providing small business loans to entrepreneurs. It also affords such entrepreneurs the opportunity to connect with business experts and to access resources that are valuable for their small business growth.

  1. Kiva

Kiva is an online loan platform that cuts across eighty countries. It targets low-income entrepreneurs and can quickly offer you the funds you need to boost your business. As an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you also have a great advantage that you can make your amount withdraw at any time you want. 

  1. IndieGoGo

This is a crowdfunding website that allows small business owners to solicit the funds they need to launch their businesses. It was founded in 2008 and has since gone on to be an incredibly supportive platform for business owners. With IndieGoGo, you have the opportunity to launch different fundraising, in the form of “flexible” or  “fixed” funding. Use this investment portal as a great opportunity to grow your small business.

  1. Kickstarter

This is also a crowdfunding website with headquarters in Brooklyn. It is focused on businesses based on creativity and merchandising. Kickstarter has at the heart of its mission to “help bring creative projects to life”.

  1. AngelList

This is a website dedicated to startups and which brings business owners and investors to one place. The site makes the process of fundraising a lot less challenging for entrepreneurs and it is estimated that over 1,000 startups have been able to get funding on this site. AngelList launched an application portal for accelerators and incubators to manage and accept the applications from startups to their program.

  1. gov

If you are looking to take a government grant for your small business, this is the first place you ought to visit. Yes! the government helps small business owners to start their businesses. This website contains a database of a huge number of grants available to small businesses. It also has filters to help make your search easy.

  1. gov Grants

This was formerly called the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Some of the grants available here overlap with those on but it is still a great investment portal to find funding options for your small business.

  1. gov

This is more like a website that allows you to showcase your expertise in order to access funds in form of a prize. What you have to do is to solve challenges in your industry although most of the industries featured are technology inclined. You can still search quickly to see if your industry fits into one of those eligible.

  1. com

This site gives out loans periodically and also runs contests that give out grants to qualifying small businesses. The basic criteria are the passion of the business owner and the kind of value that the business engenders for its immediate community. 


  1. AT&T Aspire

AT&T offers grants through its Aspire program to small businesses that are education-oriented. Applications are however accepted periodically and you have to constantly check to know when the next round of applications will begin.


The bottom line

As entrepreneurs /small business owners make use of the above-mentioned investment websites to grow your business. Choosing the perfect investment sites for your business will help you in a long way. Research more and analyze more before choosing your small business/entrepreneurial investment portals.